The oldest mention of Atlantis is found in the Epigones, an epic history of ancient Greece. Although the author has been forgotten, we do know it was written in the 8th Century B.C. Hyperborea is also mentioned in another work of the same period, this one by the celebrated poet Hesiod.

The word ‘hyperborea’ comes from a Greek word meaning ‘he who lives beyond Borea, the north wind.’ The definition has become the object of a number of different interpretations, as we’ll see later on.

Myth Or Reality?

As with Atlantis, no archeological traces of Hyperborea have ever been found. Obviously, some researchers consider Hyperborea to be a legend, but for others it was very real, a huge expanse of land in what is now northern Europe.

The ancient Greeks considered it a paradise, a marvelous land lying somewhere to the north, near what they called the ‘septentrional point’ of the inhabited world.

Aristae of Prokonos, a philosopher and great traveler who lived around 600 B.C., spoke of Hyperborea as a land where the sun almost never set. Leto, the mother of Apollo, was from Hyperborea, as was the founder and first king of Athens, Theseus. Other Greek heroes were said to spend long periods of time there.

Spiritual Masters and Magi

The main characteristic of the inhabitants of Hyperborea was their spiritual advancement. It seems they possessed great powers of divination and magic.

Hyperborean philosophers inspired Greek thinkers who, as I recall, formed the basis of western civilization, along with the Romans, who were influenced by Greek thought and tradition. The same philosophy can be seen today in the cultural foundations and religious traditions of the whole western world.

All Greek thinkers and philosophers before Socrates were descendants of the Hyperborean tradition. They included Aristae of Prokonos, Epimenides of Crete, Pherecydes of Syros, Hermotimes of Clazomenes, and many others who lived between 600 and 500 B.C. They were also said to perform incredible acts of healing, as well as other miracles of the time.

Disciples of Shamans and Sorcerers

According to many experts of the esoteric and occult arts, it seems the people mentioned above, as well as many of their disciples, became great Shamans, capable of entering states of trance and communicating with higher levels of consciousness.

The Hyperboreans and their Greek descendants engaged in a form of ecstasy known as an ‘Apollonian trance,’ after the Greek god Apollo. During these trances, Shamans could leave their body and travel through space and time with no limitations.

Being in an ‘Apollonian trance’ enables a person to be anywhere on Earth, travel through time, and communicate with the Higher Forces who created and maintain the Universe. It also enables them to consult deceased spiritual masters and benefit from their teaching.

Greeks: The Successors of Hyperboreans

Hyperborean ‘Apollonian trance’ was transmitted to the Greeks, who were then able to enter a higher state of consciousness, and talk directly to the Supreme Forces. It forms the basis of most Shamanic practices and magic ceremonies, still used today by sorcerers, magicians, shamans, mediums and psychics.

According to the data we have, there’s a strong probability the Hyperboreans transmitted their knowledge to the Greeks. This has been admitted by many of the greatest Greek philosophers and historians, including Plato, Aristotle and Herodotus.

The great Pythagoras (580–495 B.C.), father of mathematics, and Herodotus, a renowned scientist and expert in thaumaturgy (the gift of healing) were both influenced by Hyperborean thought.

Pythagoras developed the magical use of numbers, and founded many spiritual centers. Many philosophers consider him to be one of the greatest human beings of all time.

A Tropical North Pole

At certain times in the past, like in the miocene era, polar zones like Greenland and northern Russia actually had a tropical climate. The name Greenland is derived from the fact that when it was discovered, the island was covered with forests.

It’s not impossible that in the distant past, great civilizations developed in what are now icy deserts above and below the Arctic circles.

How They Disappeared

Helena Blavatsky wasn’t the only modern thinker to believe in the existence of Hyperborea. She was joined by researchers like René Maurice Gattefossé, who spoke about Hyperborea in his 1923 book entitled The Truth About Atlantis.

For him, the Hyperboreans originated the majority of myths surrounding solar cults throughout human history. He declared that only people living at the poles, who were deprived of light for a part of the year, could have attached so much importance to the sun, and created a magnificent myth around it.

The glacial invasions that occurred in these areas during various geological periods can well explain why the Hyperborean civilization disappeared, and why the Hyperborean people were so intent on transmitting their knowledge to those they came in contact with.

Modern Spiritual Currents

The Hyperboreans didn’t only influence ancient Greece, but also many present-day schools of spiritual thought, like the Theosophists, founded founded by Madame Blavatsky. In 1888 she introduced her version of human history, which was totally, different than the one found in most officially approved texts.

According to her, 7 different parts of the globe were developed in parallel, by 7 groups of people. The official scientific version of man originating in Africa has recently been brought into question by a number of paleo-anthropologists.
According to Helena Blavatsky, Hyperborea is the name of the second land inhabited by people, situated around the north pole, created by the race who were destined to populate northern Asia.

In light of what we know today about climate change, the north pole wasn’t always covered with ice, and didn’t always have the extreme temperatures it does now. Madame Blavatsky’s theory may not just be a wild fantasy.

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